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What do I need to pay attention to install Easun power solar inverters?

What do I need to pay attention to install Easun power solar inverters?

What do I need to pay attention to install Easun power solar inverters?

there some tips you must pay attenion to.

1.When to install your inverter ,please check the solar inverter specifications.


a.PV input , caculate all your solar panel power rate,make sure it lower than the inverter max PV input.


b.Your battery ,12v inverter only can work with 12v battery system. 24v inverter only work with 24v battery system,48v inverter only work with 48v battery system. if your battary is DIY by yourself, please check your inverter max charging voltage.

for battery volume,if your battery volume it too low ,the voltage it is easy dropdown quickly,and easy damage your load or inverter

for battery cable, please use the suitable size cable.big size cable is better.

for can without battery type inverter,we advise your pv panel open current voltage 250-360v

c.Cable connection. make PV and battery + positive - negetive right, this is very important!

many customer's inverter burned because of this little mistake.

also connect the AC in or out  L N right

when connect the invertter, please double check!


d.Load, when start the inverter, please close the load,when it started,switch the load.


2.Parallel inverter

please read the parallel guide  carefully.

For parallel the PV panel must individual for each inverter, do not connect them together!

battery must share the same one for all the parallel inverters


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