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What Is A Solar Inverter and How Does It Work?

Solar inverters, also known as PV inverters , play a crucial role in the solar energy system. They are mostly considered the brains of a project. The solar panel inverter is beneficial in changing the direct current to alternate current. Direct current is the power that flows in one direction in the circuit and assists in providing current when there is no electricity. What does a solar inverter do? Below is an informational guide into what a solar inverter is and how it works.

What Is a Solar Inverter, and Why Is It Important?

A solar inverter is one of the most vital components of a solar structure. The inverter transforms the energy output from solar panels into consumable electricity form used in residential or commercial properties.


How Does a Solar Inverter Work?

It works by taking the variable direct current from the solar panels and changing it into alternating 120V/240V or alternate current output. Most home appliances run on alternate current but not direct current. It is the reason why solar panels must change the direct current output collected by your solar panels.

Technically, the sun shines on your photovoltaic cells (solar panels), designed with semiconductor layers of crystalline silicon. The layers are a combination of negative and positive layers connected by a junction.

The layers absorb the light and transfer the solar energy to the photovoltaic cells. The energy runs around and bumps electrons lose. The electrons move between the negative and positive layers generating an electric current, commonly referred to as direct current.

Once the energy is produced, it is either sent directly to an inverter or stored in a battery for later use. This ultimately depends on the solar panel inverter system you have.

When the energy gets sent to the inverter, it is usually in the direct current format. However, your home requires an alternate current. The inverter gets hold of the energy and runs it via a transformer, consequently spitting out an alternate current output.

In short, the inverter runs the direct current via two or more transistors that turn on and off extremely fast and feed the transformer’s two varying sides.

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